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Incorportated as a town in 1742 and a city in 1782, Richmond began to have an increasingly important role in the Commonwealth of Virginia. It served as the capital of the Confederate States of America during the Civil War, and has continued to be the state capital ever since. Located along the fall line of the James River, its location has largely impacted the city's interests. 

The River City


Richmond has begun to define itself as a true 'River City.' In 2012, the city won an Outside Magazine Contest for the 'Best River City in America', outcompeting favorites like Hood River, Oregon and Missoula, Montana for the title. The James is a not only a lush river, with crushing rapids and smooth waters, it is part of the identity of Richmond.


The City of Richmond has been adopting more environmental conscious policies to preserve the James River's vitality. The James has a long history of degradation that won it the title of 'America's Dirtiest River' in the 1970s. The City of Richmond is showing increasing commitment to protect its defining feature: The James.


The City of Richmond is not, as any Richmonder can attest to, run solely by the government and its officials. The constituents of Richmond are dynamic both in demographic complexion, as well as in personality. The community is heavily vested in reconnecting with the River and embracing Richmond's lost-and-now-found River City Culture.

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