University of Richmond
The University of Richmond is a small liberal arts college located in Richmond Virginia, situated just off the winding shore of the James River. The University, in recent years, has dedicated itself to reintegrating itself with the City of Richmond, and in doing so, embraced the River City Culture. The University has launched several campaigns to bring the students, faculty, and education to Richmond and the James. Whether it be shuttles to local swimming spots, programs for monitoring the river, classes dedicated to the James, or research on the James, the University has dedicated itself to the James River.

The University has several programs dedicated to the James River, its watershed, or increased environmental awareness. Through educational, experiential, and experimental mediums, the University of Richmond has given students, faculty, and community members opportunities to rediscover and reexamine the river that cuts through the heart of Richmond.

Members of the University of Richmond community are highly dedicated to research. The James River, and Richmond's connection to it (in both space and time), are excellent resources because of there unique relationship. As such, the River James has inspired Richmond Faculty and staff to examine the river in novel social, scientific, mathematic and historical contexts.

For a small University, the University of Richmond offers a wide selection of courses relating to the environment, the James River, and the culture of the city.